Child Custody

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Hiring a family law attorney requires investing in a partnership to understand your legal matter and goals when it comes to divorce, child custody or even spousal support, which is why the Bernstein Office is committed to your specific legal endeavors from beginning to end.

Divorce and other family law disagreements can often be unnecessarily expensive and stressful if they reach the courtroom. Non-Court Dispute Resolution (Alternative Dispute Resolution or ADR) can reduce the time and cost for everyone and has other benefits such as increased privacy and the avoidance of protracted court proceedings. Family law is all we do.


Let's Win Together

We are proud of our clients, community and employees, and work hard to make sure they are proud of us. We’re there for you and we’re looking forward to hear from you.
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401 Monterey Blvd, California 90254, US
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020 7946 0232
020 7946 0341

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    The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship, do not send confidential or time-sensitive information.


    Comprehensive Representation

    Hiring a family law attorney requires investing in a partnership to understand your legal matter and goals when it comes to divorce, child custody or even spousal support, which is why the Bernstein Office is committed to your specific legal endeavors from beginning to end.

    Divorce and other family law disagreements can often be unnecessarily expensive and stressful if they reach the courtroom. Non-Court Dispute Resolution (Alternative Dispute Resolution or ADR) can reduce the time and cost for everyone and has other benefits such as increased privacy and the avoidance of protracted court proceedings. Family law is all we do.

    Općina Ervenik zauzima površinu od 212,28 km2, što čini 7,1% teritorija Županije.
    Općina Ervenik obuhvaća 5 statističkih naselja: Ervenik, Mokro polje, Oton, Pađene i Radučić